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About  Words That Rock

Sharing stories that

inspire connections and

nourish imaginations

- Our mission

Our Story

Dina and Hope have been friends since they were in high school.  Back then, they shared endless conversations, laughter, tears, and memories. What has kept them deeply connected all these years later are their words - exchanged through phone calls, letters, cards, emails, and texts. As best friends and chosen sisters, they dreamed of working together for a common cause - making a positive difference in the world. Inspired by their shared love of reading and dedication to connecting children with literature, Dina and Hope launched Words That Rock

Our vision 

Create a brand that houses books, products, and resources that foster the joy of reading, spirit of exploration, and the richness of shared experiences. 

Check out our first release, available now!

Meet the co-founders!

Hope Wintner, a civic leader with over 20 years of experience in a range of non-profit organizations, is passionate about improving the lives of children. With a particular focus on at-risk youth and families, her work has included board positions and leadership roles at Children’s Bureau, Girls Inc. of Los Angeles, Culture Reframed, Companies That Care, Big Sunday, Baby2Baby, the Morgan-Wixson Theater, and local schools.  After earning a B.S. in Communications from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management also at Northwestern, Hope spent many years working in consumer marketing. Her employers include Disney Channel, Mattel Toys, Paramount Pictures, and Coca-Cola. Hope was raised in Cleveland, educated in Chicago, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, 2 children and her biggest fan—the family dog. She is raising her daughters to be kind, confident and resilient young women. ​


Dina Rock, an educator for over 30 years, has been sharing her love of literature with students throughout her career. Dina believes the message of a story can inspire and empower someone to believe in themselves, and connect to the world around them. Dina earned her Bachelor of Science from The Ohio State University and her Master’s in Education from John Carroll University. Dina’s classroom experience has been in both public and private schools educating diverse populations from kindergarten through sixth grade. As a consultant to organizations in public policy and education reform, she worked closely with educators on a national and state level. Dina lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with her husband, is the proud mom of two sons, and has an adorable dog, Ella Joy.

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